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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daily Horoscope

Aries Daily Horoscope

Mar 21 - Apr 20
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
We all know the story of David and Goliath. We have all seen for ourselves how something seemingly smaller or weaker is capable of overpowering or defeating something bigger. It's important you bear in mind now how weak or vulnerable a seemingly large and intimidating obstacle really is. Conquering it is not going to need nearly as much effort as you think it will. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
In the film 'The Man With Two Brains', Steve Martin's character gets pulled over by a traffic cop and has to perform ludicrous juggling and balancing acts. Likewise, you appear under pressure to complete a task or obligation. Are you going to cope with demands being made of you? Of course you'll cope and this will be made easier by a certain person who has been unhelpful or unavailable understanding their aloofness or unhelpfulness isn't helping them or you!
Monthly Horoscope for July:
'The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray'. So goes the old saying which formed the basis of the title of John Steinbeck's novel. We make plans. We believe there should be no reason why, given their simplicity, they should not come to fruition as expected. Then, often through no fault of our own, we discover otherwise. You're right to make certain plans and expect certain levels of commitment from others. Just be 'live' this month to how these might alter.

Taurus Daily Horoscope

Apr 21 - May 21
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
People who create rules do so in the hope that the rest of us will understand reasoning behind creating them. Some rules are, of course, obvious and need creating and enforcing. Some though, appear to be missing essential logic needed. You can now allow yourself more freedom from a restricted situation than you believe is available to you now. Take it. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
Someone appears to be missing the point or undermining your knowledge in a particular area. You appear to be embroiled in a discussion – possibly heated – with an individual or organization. Quite why you're having to explain or justify yourself is unclear but need exists to state your case and convince someone you know what you're talking about. You won't have to keep fighting this battle for much longer. Make your point and you could find someone gets the message this week.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
In the absence of essential information, we piece together a picture or solution based on what information we do have available. Sometimes, we get this right. Other times, well, we become aware that we probably would have arrived at a correct answer or drawn the right conclusion if only certain information was available to us! This month, don't be quick to make an assumption. A decision relies on you having factual information and throughout July, this will come.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

May 22 - Jun 22
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
What goes up, we understand, must come down. However, we're aware of how easier anything comes down than it does going up. Anything going upward requires more thought and energy. To maintain an upward feeling now, have faith in the fact that your optimism is not misplaced. You can ensure the feeling of being 'up' will continue to override any feeling of being 'down'. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
A chain is as strong as its weakest link. It doesn't matter how strong other links are if one can't support the others and you're becoming increasingly aware that, for as long as one area of your world remains 'weak', your options remain limited. Something needs to be faced up to. Expect that which has been swept under the carpet to show itself. It's time to stop kidding yourself or someone else and make a concerted effort to strengthen what needs to be made stronger.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
There's always something depressing about looking at the inside of a house the morning after a night-long party. The task of clearing up mess is one few of us look forward to. Of course, we're unconcerned about mess whilst in the throes of a good time. This month, the challenge you must rise to involves accepting something good has come to an end. There is, however, work to be done to put an episode behind you. Trust that this won't be as time consuming as you believe.
Cancer Daily Horoscope

Jun 23 - Jul 23
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
It's difficult sometimes to know when to offer help and when to remain on sidelines until asked. Somewhere in your world now, someone appears in need of assistance that they and you know you can provide. It also appears that you would prefer them to make a mistake or two before requesting it. As admirable as that is, expect to come to someone's aid before long. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
In today's complex technological world, we rely on others' abilities to interpret what we're saying. We put much faith in them understanding a point we're trying to make without using our mouths. Text messages contains words with numbers, e-mails can appear more abrupt than we intended them to. Your task this week is to make your point to someone close in a way that cannot be misinterpreted - and this might just mean good old fashioned conversation.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
'Rebel Without a Cause' caused controversy when it was released due its depiction of the tense relationship between a teenage son and his parents. Until then, audiences escaped into soap-sponsored TV programs that portrayed families in ways families wanted to be seen, even if reality was very different. This month brings a 'reality check' surrounding a domestic situation you've been looking at with rose-tinted glasses. This will make you stronger, wiser and happier.
Leo Daily Horoscope

Jun 24 - Aug 23
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
The word 'investment' usually gets used where financial transactions are concerned. Money is not the only thing investable. We invest time, our hearts and our minds. Our support of others is also an investment and it's your support of someone that is needed now. Don't focus or dwell on what you might gain in a material sense. There's so much more to be gained in other ways. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
If you find yourself on the receiving end of criticism this week, understand it is being given justly. There is essential information you need and a certain person appears well placed to give it. This might mean one or two plans get delayed or you have to swallow humble pie but you won't have to convince yourself too hard that someone is right in what they're saying. Their advice can improve significantly an area of your world where you would dearly like to see progress within.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
Professional stunt people are taught that falling off buildings from great height onto cardboard boxes below or tumbling down flights of concrete stairs requires them to relax every muscle in their bodies before doing so. This month, the sky insists that, the more you struggle to maintain tight control of a situation, the more tension or problems you're likely to experience. Let go, even briefly, and see what gets transformed. You can afford to relax and leave something alone.
Virgo Daily Horoscope

Aug 24 - Sep 23
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
Solutions are available via a wide range of sources nowadays. We don't have to think quite as hard as we used to in order to gain knowledge or insight. You appear willing to resolve an issue without giving it as much thought as it deserves. Taking a short cut will only result in a need to retrace your steps and think something through properly. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
Whatever pressure you're under, whatever might be getting you down, it doesn't matter. You appear to be taking something too seriously. There is strong cause for lightening up. You'll be doing yourself and one or two others around you a favor by doing so. Quite why you're bracing yourself for confrontation is unclear but the sky's trying to increase love and comfort in your world. If you want both, then they're coming. Relax and let them come to you.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
We've all been frustrated in the past through knowing how something needs to be fixed but not having the right tools to fix it. When this happens, we try to be clever by improvising, only to end up wishing we'd bothered to get tools we needed! This month, you're likely to be aware of what's missing from your world to resolve an issue you'd like to see the back of. Provided you're willing to make the effort, then all you need to achieve a desired result will be made available to you.
Libra Daily Horoscope

Sep 24 - Oct 23
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
We hear people speak about 'erring on the side of caution'. On one side, there is daring, bravado, the excitement of risk taking. On the other side sits caution, accompanied by its friends, wariness and caginess. Somewhere in the middle, you sit. Trust that, for now, that's the best place to be. Balance needs to be met now between taking a controversial risk and staying where you are. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
A noticeable feel-good factor is winging its way to you. This probably has more to do with allaying concerns which involve a close partner but you can expect to find yourself feeling more at ease with a certain tense situation than you have of late. A much-needed development is unfolding between you and someone else. A practical solution is being arrived at. You and someone else have a lesson to learn and, this week, both you and they can prepare to be enlightened.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
We don't need much in the way of a scientific background to know what will happen to dried twigs if a flame comes near them or what will happen to fire if doused with gasoline. When conditions are right, a tiny flicker of flame can become a raging, out of control inferno. This month, you're being presented with a choice that surrounds your influence where a tense situation is concerned. You can either be part of a solution or play an integral role in making it worse. Opt for the former.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Oct 24 - Nov 22
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
'We have nothing to fear but fear itself'. So said Franklin D Roosevelt. With little effort, we can identify certain fears we believe we are justified in being fearful of. The sky speaks now of you nurturing an unjustified fear. Your keenness to protect yourself in some way is preventing progress being made in a key area. It's time to see what happens if you let go. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
In a world where few people say what they mean and mean what they say, you could be forgiven for thinking praise or constructive criticism you've received recently is false. Your pride and ego appear to have been given a boost in some way and this should provide reassurance that a certain romantic, creative or possibly money-related pursuit holds more promise or potential than you originally thought. This week, you really can trust what you're being told by a certain person.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
Let's pretend you're sat alone on a desert island. You've tried everything to attract attention in the hope help will arrive yet none has been forthcoming. You're close to accepting a lifetime stuck on a remote island. Suddenly, a ship arrives to save you but instead of being grateful, you become angry at how long it took to find you. This month, support you need is coming. It might have taken longer than you'd have wished but you'll soon every reason to feel optimistic - and grateful!
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Nov 23 - Dec 21
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
How easier would it be to list everything that might go wrong today? Most people would answer with something along the lines of 'it would be easier than listing all that will go right'. Why is that? All too often, we focus on what's negative in an attempt to be realistic and protect ourselves. Trust that the cosmos is trying to help boost your optimism levels now, and for a good reason. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
They say everything is negotiable and the coming week looks likely to be revealing in terms of negotiation required regarding a development you have long wanted to see move to another level. You appear keen to make your feelings known in more ways than one and what matters is you trust that what's unfolding now is precisely what you and a certain other person need. As long as you remember negotiation is a two-way process, all will be fine.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
Poker players know what they want others to read into expressions or reactions. Other players usually know precisely what the player is doing. Can they rely on reverse psychology? What if they're misinterpreting the player's response? Maybe they ought to be worried, and – ok, enough. This month, you and a certain person are likely to be doing something similar. If you can push aside facades and have an actual honest conversation, then so much more can be achieved.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Dec 22 - Jan 20
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
How much 'power' do you possess? The word is often overused. What we mean is 'influence' and it appears you hold much influence now. Whether or not you choose to use it to bring about a change is your decision but it's important to recognize that you do have an ability to change the ending of a particular saga to one that really will suit you, if you want to. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
The sky is offering you a gift this week. You don't have to accept it because it might be something you feel you don't want or need but love, warmth and comfort are entering your world. You might feel work or family related matters have sapped enthusiasm for such things and can't be forced to accept what is offered but I would strongly advise that you do. The cosmos knows, possibly more than you do at this time, why you need it. Give it a chance. Accept what you deserve to receive.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
Albert Einstein said 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'. With that in mind, July presents an interesting dilemma. You can continue doing something that is giving - and is likely to continue giving - a less than satisfactory result. Alternatively, you can take a risk and try a different approach. An untried option is begging for attention. Oblige it and you can transform your financial, creative and romantic prospects.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Jan 21 - Feb 19
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
We are all familiar with 'body language'. I'm referring particularly to how we unconsciously or inadvertently copy the behavior of someone else. You're in a strong position now to get a certain desired response from a certain person by taking the lead in some way. How you choose to approach a sensitive subject is likely to be mirrored by the person you're trying to convince. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
There's a lot to be said for adopting an attitude of 'do it tomorrow'. Clearly, some areas of our lives demand immediate attention but there are others where a laid-back, relaxed attitude is more effective. The sky, you'll be pleased to hear, is encouraging you to relax. Stop getting wound up about a particular matter that doesn't require nearly as much time, effort and attention as you seem to believe it will. Something can almost take care of itself now. Give it a chance to do so.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
People speak sometimes about 'being caught in a crossfire' and, during July, you're likely to find yourself in the middle of a dispute, argument or conflict that will require you to choose a side. You are very likely aware of repercussions of making an incorrect choice in the eyes of a certain person. So where does that leave you? This month is all about finding balance between being supportive of someone's aims and letting someone else fight their own battle!
Pisces Daily Horoscope

Feb 20 - Mar 20
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 30 July
view Monday or Wednesday
Each of us is one of approximately seven billion people on this planet. It's therefore fair to say none of us is alone. Yet, we're aware of how, despite being surrounded by so many people, we can feel very alone sometimes. Recent weeks have seen you tackling certain issues with no assistance from others. Expect to receive some much-welcomed support now. Get your 2013 Personal Forecast.
Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July:
Think of a jungle explorer who escapes misadventure with a tiger and then decides all kittens pose a similar threat. Think of a sea explorer who nearly ends up as a shark's dinner and becomes paranoid looking at tropical fish in a tank. You are at risk of jumping to conclusions based upon a previous fear. Something that was once troublesome is no longer so. Whatever fear you've conquered before should not be confused with the opportunity this week brings.
Monthly Horoscope for July:
When reading a map and identifying the most direct route from A to B, we find ourselves examining other routes, wondering if they might be easier or less stressful. We then discover more than one way to get to where we want to be. This month, stick with the most obvious way to make something important happen. Don't become distracted or confused with other options that might be viable but, through being unexplored, could end up becoming more of a problem.

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